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Dear ALS K-5 Parents and Students,
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year. I hope that you had a wonderful summer holiday. I
would like to welcome a number of new staff members, new students and parents to the school
and we look forward to the ways in which they will contribute to our community. The first day of
school for all students is Sunday, 25th August, 2024.
School Timings:
● Grades 1-5: School gates will open at 7:10am for a full school day for grades 1-5. Grades 1
-5 will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.
● KG1 will Meet the Teacher on Sunday from 7:30 am to 10:00 am. On Monday and Tuesday,
KG1 students will be dismissed at 12:00. Starting from Wednesday, all KG1 students will be
dismissed at 1:35.
● KG2 will be dismissed at 12:00 on Sunday. Starting from Monday, all KG2 students will be
dismissed at 1:35.
School uniforms are required for all KG1 to Grade 12 students, and are available for sale at the
Main Administration Building.
In addition, students are expected to:
● wear safe, closed-toe footwear
● keep hair tied back
● have trimmed, unpainted nails
● not wear jewelry, makeup, or excessive piercings
● refrain from chewing gum
Mobile Phone Policy
Student mobile phones are banned from school. Mobile phones must be left at home. If seen,
heard, or used at school, they will be confiscated in line with the Parent-Student Handbook.
Lunchboxes & Canteen
We ask that all K-3 students bring a prepared lunch box during the first week of school. We will
not be able to accommodate food deliveries. Cafeteria services will be available for grades 4-5
starting on Sunday. Payment must be made in cash or via bank card only.
Parent Student Handbook
We kindly ask you to make sure that you read the updated Parent-Student Handbook and
discuss it with your child. The handbook is located on our website, and if requested we will
provide a printed copy for you to read. Within the first week of school, we ask that you sign and
return the MOE acknowledgement page that you have read the handbook.
Class Sections
Class divisions are based on several factors, using professional judgment and always with
students’ overall best interests in mind. We ask for your support with your student’s class
placement and to give adjustments some time.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Please be patient when picking up or dropping off your child during the first week of school. We
will be monitoring both times and will be making adjustments as needed. Please ensure that
your driver cooperates with our ALS security. There are 3 main gates for drop off and pick up:
K-3 Gate, 4-12 Girls and 4-12 Boys. During the first week of school, K-3 students should be
dropped off at their class and picked up from their class.
Communication and collaboration between school and home are vital for your child's success,
and we encourage you to stay actively involved in your child's education. We will continue to
provide regular updates through newsletters, Toddle, emails, and our school website. At ALS we
believe in a partnership between home and school. Hence we always encourage parents to get
involved in their children’s education and to maintain an open line of communication with the
teachers and with us.
Landline: 920051888 Ext. 200 (K-5 Campus)
Mobile: 055 402 9669
We look forward to a very productive and successful school year full of energy, enthusiasm and
learning. See you on Sunday!
Carmen Hill
K-5 Principal