Our Schools
Activities include:

After School Activities:
Drama, Readers' Theatre, Boxing, Cold Cooking, Homework, Soccer, Board Games, Photography, Outdoor Sports & Games , Computer Games, Computer Lab Usage, Readers' Theatre, Scouts , Art, Homework Monitoring, Arabic Poetry, Scholastic Aptitude Test Preparation, Quran Memorizing, Model United Nations, Music, Singing, Student Council, Pony Bead, CPR Training, DELF preparation, Joy Luck, Arabic Theatre, Spanish Language, Spotlight.

Spirit Days
Crazy Hat Day, Jeans Day, Twin Day, Crazy Hair Day, Mismatch Day, International Dress Day, National Dress Day.

Interscholastic Competitions

Fun Day

International Schools Sports League of Riyadh Tournaments
Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Badminton, Swimming, Cricket, and Table Tennis.

College Preparation sessions

College Visits

Field Trips

Model United Nations
An authentic simulation of the United Nations General Assembly and other multilateral bodies that aims to educate participants about civics, effective communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy.

Science Exhibitions
ALS Science exhibitions accomplish different learning goals. The event allows students to reflect on the many skills they have learnt over the years such as gathering and presenting data. It gives them the chance to learn new skills such as citing their resources and considering the academic honesty. Science fair projects are normally intended to demonstrate scientific concepts on a small scale. These skills prepare them for high school and college. Science exhibitions start with MYP1 when students study the Scientific Method (SM). The steps of the SM are numerous, however, they can be narrowed to two main categories, which are: (1) inquiring and designing, and (2) processing and evaluating. Students are expected to explain a question to be tested scientifically, formulate a testable hypothesis, explain variables, design scientific investigation, present, interpret data, evaluate their hypothesis and explain improvements to the method. Eventually students present their projects to other students and staff. The outcome is so important that all the teachers are involved in the evaluation process. Teachers score projects based on a rubric that involves different criteria.
This year our Science Fair is scheduled on the 20th February 2017. This is an important aspect of MYP science life. Science Fair Projects come in all shapes and sizes covering various topics from ecology to computer science. ALS science fairs have been very successful and play a vital role in spreading awareness about different issues. It requires effort and dedication, but it is encouraging and a great self-esteem boost.
Extra-Curricular Activities
The Advanced Learning Schools provide an environment in which the educational experience is complemented by a wide range of extracurricular activities.
ALS students benefit from being given the opportunity to participate in numerous school events that take place throughout the school year. These events include, among others, cultural days, sports days, annual Fun Days, art exhibitions, the Science/Technology Fair, sports tournaments, community service opportunities and attendance at Model United Nations* sessions (in and outside the Kingdom). The school also regularly invites speakers and hosts special workshops that bring prominent scholars, innovators, career advisors, experts and practitioners to the campus. These guests present their ideas and achievements at a variety of events, thus greatly extending our students’ knowledge and ensuring that ALS remain a lively intellectual centre.
*Model United Nations or MUN is an authentic simulation of the United Nations General Assembly and other multilateral bodies that aims to educate participants about civics, effective communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy. Participants research a country, take on roles as diplomats, investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult, and then develop solutions to world problems

Examples of Extra-Curricular Activities:
+ After School Activities
The Activities Coordinators at ALS started first season of activities on Tuesday, September 29, 2013. The first round of after school activities has finished on Wednesday, January 23, 2014. Our students have shown amazing interest and enthusiasm for the different activities. Our thanks go to all the teachers who supervise these activities and to all the parents who encouraged their kids to be part of the activities. We wish all the fun to our participating students.
The following activities were opened for boys and girls:
- Lego League
- Soccer 4-7
- Soccer K-3
- Pottery
- Media
- Wing Chun Club
- Speed Club Readers’ Theatre
- Stories from the holy Quraan
- Fun Experiments
- Origami
- Mad Science lab
- Bubble Invasion and Math Club
More activities will be offered in the second semester. In addition to the activities, the ASA coordinators organized a National Day celebration for the whole school.
The second round of ASA has started on February 9, 2014 and it will end on May 15, 2014. This round contains a wide range of activities. We are offering sports activities like Soccer, and Basketball. Different clubs were opened for girls, like knitting and cross-stitch in addition to cooking classes. We are glad that we also opened two more activities in the boy’s side which are World Geography Club for grades 4-6 and Scratch programming club. In the k-3 students had the option to choose between Beadwork, Soccer, Aerobics and English Literacy.
+ Sports Day
+ Model United Nations
+ Student Council
Curricular Activities
The Advanced Learning Schools strongly believes that school related trips which enhance learning and foster an appreciation for applied learning, are an essential part of the curriculum. Consequently, the schools organize appropriate field trips, both of an academic and social nature, designed to give extended meaning to instruction and to provide the opportunity for students to extend their individual scope and views of life and culture within and outside of Saudi Arabia. Additional student activities such as sports teams, academic contests, performing arts and clubs are organized by the after school activities (ASA) coordinators.
The ALS curriculum is organized within four divisions:
- Upper Primary Years (grades 4 – 6),
- Middle Years (grades 7 – 10), and
- Diploma Years (grades 11– 12).
Performance expectations for each division are specified according to standards and benchmarks recommended by the International Baccalaureate, with adaptations for the particular needs and expectations of the Advanced Learning Schools. Each standard defines the essential knowledge and skills students are expected to have acquired by the end of grade 12. The benchmarks state, in more specific language, the skills and knowledge a student should gain by the end of each grade. These clear statements of standards and benchmarks help to clarify expectations for students and facilitate better communication among teachers, administrators, parents and the larger community

Examples of Extra-Curricular Activities:
The Science Air is an exciting time for the grades 7-12 students as they are able to share their science fair projects with the school community.
The students work on their projects with their teachers for about four weeks before the assigned date of the science fair. They set up their displays during the school day and they present their projects to other students, parents and guests after school.
Students also explain what they have learned to teachers who are assigned as judges who assess the students’ displays and presentations.

International trips
Previous trips include: